Technology Makes Giving Easier Posted on April 17, 2018 The 15th Annual Excellence is Ageless Gala will be a celebration of harmony honoring the Rev. Kurt Kusserow, Bishop of the Southwestern Pennsylvaia Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Most Rev. David Zubik, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh for their ecumenical service and gift of leadership they provide throughout western Pennsylvania. You won’t want to miss the gala, but if for some reason you aren’t able to attend, you can still participate by bidding on the silent auction items online. This year, for the first time, mobile bidding will be available for the approximately 100 items donated to the gala. Through the use of OneCause, a fundraising software program, Lutheran SeniorLife Foundation will be able to accept bids not only by those able to attend the event, but also those who are not able to be there. Anyone interested in placing bids on items will register online. Photos and descriptions of all items are presented and can be viewed by category. If someone is interested in an item, they just bid online. If someone outbids them, their phone will ping to alert them that if they truly want the item, they will need to rebid. Using smart phones for bidding will work for those at the event as well as those not attending. For those who do not have a smart phone, kiosks and iPads will be available at the event for bidding. Payments will also be completed online for the successful bidders. The site also provides the opportunity to donate to Lutheran SeniorLife. “We receive so many incredible items from talented and generous individuals. People attending the Gala will now be able to watch and manage their bids easily without constantly getting up and down. In addition, providing access to the site to people not in attendance should increase the volume and amount raised at the event. This technology will be a real asset to the success of our auction and our Gala,” states Jane Bittcher, president of Lutheran SeniorLife Foundation. If you plan on attending, the gala will be held on Friday, April 27 at 6 PM at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh. Tickets are $200 per person with all proceeds benefitting Lutheran SeniorLife benevolent care. For the auction, there are approximately 100 items including artwork and items handcrafted by residents, staff, and family members as well as items donated by vendors, merchants, and local businesses. The bidding site is now open and will be available until 7:30 PM on Friday, April 27. To register for online bidding go to For more information contact Lutheran SeniorLife Foundation at 724-453-6014.