Rejoicing in 10 Years of Health Ministry Collaboration Posted on May 22, 2019August 27, 2019 Ministers, health care professionals and volunteers met to celebrate a 10-year partnership between Lutheran SeniorLife and the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) during the Health and Wellness Ministry’s Anointing & Appreciation program on May 15. Founded as a department of the Lutheran Church, Lutheran SeniorLife’s Health and Wellness Ministry has offered services to help people connect with their faith as well as improve the overall wellness of congregations since 2009. 2019 marked a notable decade of helping members to achieve physical, spiritual, social, intellectual and emotional wellness – resulting in a more Abundant Life® for any and all involved. The Rev. Kurt Kusserow, Bishop of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod of the (ELCA), opened the celebratory event with an inspiring sermon dedicated to the endless commitment of Health and Wellness Ministry volunteers. Drawing from the book of Ephesians, Kusserow explained God’s desires of us. “Your ministry is God’s blessing for the world which is why we take time every year to stop to say thank you,” he said. He went on to quote Ephesians 2:1-10: ‘For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.’ Holy Communion and a Blessing of the Hands ceremony brought the service to a rewarding finish as guests stepped up to the podium and joined in prayer. “I bless your hands in the name of the Father that created, loves and sustains you, the Son who redeems you and the Holy Spirit who empowers you,” said Pastor Sarah Lee-Faulkner, Assistant to the Bishop. “May these hands bring comfort and healing to those they touch, to the honor and glory of God. Amen.” After worship, attendees enjoyed popcorn and a video presentation showcasing further appreciation for those who’ve served. Final words of gratitude conveyed by Health & Wellness Ministry Coordinator, Patty Davidson, ended the presentation before dismissing guests to a mini resource fair with representatives from Lutheran SeniorLife, the Pittsburgh Mercy Parish Nurse & Health Ministry Program and the Synod Resource Center. “It’s a joy to meet with the volunteers and be able to help with their ministry,” Davidson said. “I see God’s hand at work during every ministry team meeting I attend.”