“Punny” Food Humor Brightens Meals at Passavant Community Posted on April 19, 2020June 11, 2020 As many Americans are stuck in their homes during this pandemic, the same holds true for our senior living residents. Only, they are not only stuck in their building, but they are also stuck in their rooms. This isolation, although for their own safety, has caused great loneliness and everyone is doing what they can to help them get through this difficult time. Passavant’s food service staff came up with a great idea for the residents on Passavant’s Campus. Dining in public areas is no longer permitted at any of the facilities, so the meals are brought to the residents. Dietary workers decided to attach a small postcard with food puns on them to spread a little cheer with their meals. The staff came up with the puns, and another employee with graphic design skills put them together. (See photo to the left.) The cards were each signed by a dietary team member, then attached to 400 meals and delivered to the residents. The staff had fun creating and distributing the meals and the residents enjoyed the “punny” humor. It was such a success that they are planning on doing it again.